Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week of September 7-11

Current Week Objectives:
Assist Database Developer with feature changes/modifications to Portfol software.
Begin working on Network Controls section of IT General Controls Policy
Compare - It General Controls Questionnaire, Effectively Assessing IT Controls, IT General & Application Controls Testing (non-sox) as it pertains to Access controls.

Current Week Accomplishments:
Completed 21 hours of work

Met with VP of Technology to discuss:

  • Network security
  • file server security
  •  Policies and Procedures regarding Network Support
  • Granting and restricting Network Access
  • Backing up files and software

Compared the 3 documents listed above and abstracted the related/most common topics regarding access controls.

Compared the information gather from the meeting with the VP of technology and created a excel spreadsheet to organize the data on Network and Access Controls.

Scheduled a meeting with my supervisor to discuss the progress of the IT General Controls Policy.

Next Week Objectives:

Assist Database Developer with changes/modifications to Portfol Software. The developer is waiting on a task that will not require an advance level of skill so that I can perform the changes myself.

Meet with Supervisor to discuss progress

Continue working on Network and Access Controls documentation

There are currently no concerns

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