Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of Oct. 19th - 23rd

Current Week Objectives:

Add database tables for Database Developer for Portfol Software
Complete document retention project
Attend meeting on Portfol v. Submission

Current Week Accomplishments:

  • I added drop down menus to the Portfol Software, the senior developer added all content
  • I started working on the document retention project for the 2016 audit but didn't finish it
  • Supervisor and I went over and edited completed version of IT general controls document for submission
I completed 30 hours of work

Next Week Objectives:

Continue working on document retention 
Developer assigned me python practice problems to complete
Work with IT support (handle any PC issues that employees may have).

Key Lessons Learned:
The two developers at my internship uses different techniques in programming. The first programmer will write code with different variable and table names. The second programmer will uses a different set of names for security purposes. The second program dislikes this practice but is understanding of it.

I currently have no concerns

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