Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Week of Oct. 26th - 30th

Current Week Objectives:

Continue working on document retention 
Developer assigned me python practice problems to complete
Work with IT support (handle any PC issues that employees may have). 
Test changes made to porfol software reports.

Current Week Accomplishments:

I completed work for the 2005 document retention project. Currrently the company is moving all paper files to the network. I created a filing system for 2005.

I tested the changes made for the Portfolio software: Changes were made to the software to generate loan reports by loan type and number of loans. The developer and I tested the changes to make sure 1: report actually generated a report, 2. the report provided the acturate information requested, 3. The report was able to be exported for the software to excel. 

I was assigned help desk support for the week but there were no calls. 

I completed 30 hours of work

Next Week Objectives: 

I have to complete electronic inventory training

Key Lessons Learned:

The database developer continues to stress the importance of naming conventions. One of the hired consultants continues to name objects with spaces in access and VB, so when the developer attempts to use intellisense it puts underscores between the spaces and creates errors.

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