Monday, November 16, 2015

Week of Nov 9th - 13th

Current Week Objectives:
Help desk Support

  • Assist co-workers with PC problems and network connections
  • Provide equipment/peripherals upon request
Current Week Accomplishments:

Not many calls came in this week. Most of my co-works asked for either a new mouse & pad or wanted me to order a new monitor which I was unable to do because the IT VP was on vacation and I needed to get approval from him. When I notified them that I was unable to place orders some of workers became a little irritated but most of them understood that I'm an intern. 

Completed 30 hours of work

Key Lessons Learned:

I learned that interacting and communicating with others in any working environment is a key skill that is needed. Everyone does not have great communication skills; by me observing this made me realized that I myself need to work to become a better communicator. 

Next week Objectives:
I have no Objectives for next week

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Week of Nov. 2nd - Nov 6th

Current Week Objectives: 

I have to complete electronic inventory training
Continue with help desk support

Current Week Accomplishments:
I completed the electronic inventory training sessions.

I also assisted the VP of technology with help desk support. Most employees had network connection problems due to disconnected Ethernet cords or network settings. I also installed dynamics software packages for two new employees.

30 hours of work this week

Key Lessons Learned:

Key lessons learned for this week is when dealing with people to ask lots of questions to gain a clear understanding of what the problem is. Most employees give vague descriptions of what maybe be wrong with their computer. I learned to ask follow-up questions in order to save time and energy. 

Next Week Objectives:

Continue with help desk support

Additional information available on Thursday 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Week of Oct. 26th - 30th

Current Week Objectives:

Continue working on document retention 
Developer assigned me python practice problems to complete
Work with IT support (handle any PC issues that employees may have). 
Test changes made to porfol software reports.

Current Week Accomplishments:

I completed work for the 2005 document retention project. Currrently the company is moving all paper files to the network. I created a filing system for 2005.

I tested the changes made for the Portfolio software: Changes were made to the software to generate loan reports by loan type and number of loans. The developer and I tested the changes to make sure 1: report actually generated a report, 2. the report provided the acturate information requested, 3. The report was able to be exported for the software to excel. 

I was assigned help desk support for the week but there were no calls. 

I completed 30 hours of work

Next Week Objectives: 

I have to complete electronic inventory training

Key Lessons Learned:

The database developer continues to stress the importance of naming conventions. One of the hired consultants continues to name objects with spaces in access and VB, so when the developer attempts to use intellisense it puts underscores between the spaces and creates errors.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of Oct. 19th - 23rd

Current Week Objectives:

Add database tables for Database Developer for Portfol Software
Complete document retention project
Attend meeting on Portfol v. Submission

Current Week Accomplishments:

  • I added drop down menus to the Portfol Software, the senior developer added all content
  • I started working on the document retention project for the 2016 audit but didn't finish it
  • Supervisor and I went over and edited completed version of IT general controls document for submission
I completed 30 hours of work

Next Week Objectives:

Continue working on document retention 
Developer assigned me python practice problems to complete
Work with IT support (handle any PC issues that employees may have).

Key Lessons Learned:
The two developers at my internship uses different techniques in programming. The first programmer will write code with different variable and table names. The second programmer will uses a different set of names for security purposes. The second program dislikes this practice but is understanding of it.

I currently have no concerns

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week of Oct 12 -16th

Current Week Objectives:

Add database tables for Database Developer for Portfol Software
Start learning the Python Programming Language

Current Week Accomplishments:

  • Created database tables for Porfol which will allow for a number of different loan types to be entered into the database when using the software.
  • Enrolled in Python course on Coursera so that I can help the developer on other projects he has.

Completed 30 hours of work

Next Week Objectives:

Meeting on Tuesday Oct 20 at 2pm to discuss Aeris Analysis Project
Analytics is a kky component in IT consulting
Will be notified of this weeks objectives at the meeting

Key Lessons Learned:

  • Be prepared in meetings with notebook or pad and pen to right down notes
  • Be more asertive in meetings
  • Give as much detail as possible 
  • I have developed better communication skills since I started the internship

I have no concerns at this time. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Week of Oct 5 - 9

Current Week Objectives:

Assist Database Developer with changes
Complete Backup controls analysis

Current Week Accomplishments:

  • Added tables for Database Developer for new loan types that  the company will be using in 2016
  • Met with supervisor to modify some of the proposals for Backup and recovery.
  • Made changes to the Program changes controls SVP of Operations noted that some of the information given to me was outdated
Completed 31 hours of work

Next Week Objectives:

Meeting on Tuesday to discuss Aeris Analysis Project

I have no concerns at this time. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Week of Sept 28 - Oct 2

Current Week Objectives:

Research and investigate the company's current disaster recovery plan as well as backup procedures.

Current Week Accomplishments:

Backup verification is completed at the company informally. This week I spent time with IT management developing a backup strategy document that reports daily, monthly, or quarterly verification. The auditors are looking for documented procedures regarding backup data. I went online and found a template;went into the server room gathered all my info and then presented to my supervisors.

I completed 28 hours of work this week bring my total hours to 127 hours to date.

Next Week Objectives:

My supervisor is out today. I won't know what my next week objectives will be until tuesday.

There are currently no concerns